Funds and Trusts


We offer a range of pooled vehicles which are managed with the same underlying investment approach – a focus on investing in ‘exceptional’ companies for the very long term. 

UK, Global, Japanese and North American Equity strategies

20-35 holdings

Low turnover

Investment Insights

A Very Long Hill

James Bullock

In 1626, so the story goes, the native Lenape people sold the island of Manhattan, to the Dutch East India Company for 60 guilders worth of trinkets, the supposed equivalent of $24. A famously bad trade for the tribe given the island’s current estimated value of well over a trillion dollars.

Unintended Consequences

Nick Train

Amidst the recent reportage about the winnowing out of the UK stock market, I was particularly struck by William Hague’s article in The Times in March. He somewhat shamefacedly quotes an expert on the pension industry who notes the UK has become “the only major economy where local pension funds have in effect abandoned investment in domestic companies.”

The Triumph of Experience Over Hope

James Bullock

In 2014 Michael Lewis’s Flash Boys introduced the public to the frantic practice of high frequency trading. Orders, millions per second, executed at speeds to outpace or even front-run others. A frenetic world about as far away from Lindsell Train’s languid approach as possible.